Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thank You Notes Revisited

I wrote a few thank you notes several weeks ago, and it feels like it’s time to write a few more. I only have twenty days left here in Nairobi, and I want to fill those days with as much gratitude as I can, so here are today’s thank-you’s:

Thank you, CRS security staff, for greeting me warmly every morning when you open the security gate for me. And thank you for always saying, “see you tomorrow!” when I leave the office in the afternoon. You make me feel safe, as is your job, but you also make me feel welcome, which goes above and beyond your job requirements. I appreciate you all.

Thank you, Mark Medlin, for putting your worried dad hat aside while I’ve been on this adventure. You have supported me, listened to me babble, and remained engaged in my journey all summer. I can’t wait to hug your neck in a few weeks!

A warm thank you to Nairobi Java House and its out-of-this-world carrot cake. The reasons for my appreciation should be obvious.

Thank you, Stuff You Missed In History Class podcast, for teaching me about Charles IX and the history of harmonicas this week. I have learned so much from your podcast over the years, but I am especially grateful for your delightful lessons while I’m here.

Thank you, Brian Dooley, for your patience and support. You’re such a great guy and I can’t wait to see you again.

Thank you to the Aberdares water company for supplying the CRS office with clean water that does not make me sick. I have learned the hard way that my tummy does not trust many foods or drinks here, but your water never fails to provide pain-free refreshment and hydration.

Last but not least, thank you, Naked Pizza, for your amazing customer service and excellent product. I never expected to be able to order fresh, yummy pizza online and have it delivered to me while in Kenya, and your establishment has quickly become one of my very favorites. I will be blaming you for any extra pounds that come back to America with me, but I hope you’ll take it as a compliment.

That’s all for now! I hope my thank you notes have inspired you to show a little more gratitude today. This world can use all the thank-you’s we can give it, don’t you think?

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